Marino Gatto
Renato Casagrandi
Models for conservation and management in population and disease ecology
Threatened biodiversity
Species and populations threatened by extinction
Threatened biodiversity
What is biodiversity?
Configuration and distribution of biodiversity
The loss of biodiversity
Causes of threat and extinction
The value of biodiversity
Preserving biodiversity
The risk of extinction: Allee effect and genetic deterioration
Demographic phenomena in populations threatened by extinction
Depensation phenomena and the Allee effect
Simple dynamic models of the Allee effect
Genetic deterioration: basics
Cell structure and DNA
Cell cycles and reproduction
Genetic variability
The Hardy-Weinberg law
Genetic drift and Wright's formula
Effects of genetic drift on population dynamics
Extinction risk analysis: demographic and environmental stochasticity
Population fluctuations
The different types of stochasticity
Individual fitness and models of demographic and environmental stochasticity
Risk analysis for populations subject to demographic stochasticity only
Demographic stochasticity in Malthusian populations
Demographic stochasticity in density-dependent populations
Risk analysis for populations subject to environmental stochasticity only
Environmental stochasticity in Malthusian population
Estimating the risk of extinction
Environmental stochasticity in density-dependent populations
Extinction vortices, population viability analyses, IUCN risk categories
Problems on the analysis of Extinction Risk
Problem ER1
Problem ER2
Problem ER3
Problem ER4
Problem ER5
Problem ER6
Problem ER7
Problem ER8
Problem ER9
Problem ER10
Problem ER11
Problem ER12
Problem ER13
Problem ER14
Problem ER15
Problem ER16