However, one must not think that nothing changes with respect to the deterministic model. In particular, this result does not imply that the population can become extinct only if the growth rate is negative. After some non-elementary calculations starting from an infinite system of nonlinear differential equations (the so-called Kolmogorov equations) in the variables - i.e. the probabilities that the population be composed of exactly individuals - one gets the most important result of the theory of demographic stochasticity. This result concerns the dynamics over time of the probability that the population be composed of zero individuals, or in other words of the extinction risk. One can in fact prove Iannelli and Pugliese (2014) that the time dynamics of is given by the formula
where is the initial number of adult females (for simplicity we can assume that the sex ratio remains constant over time and does not affect the birth rate).First of all, we note that the extinction probability is positive even for 0. This is a fundamental result: demographic stochasticity can lead to extinction even Malthusian populations with a positive growth rate. Secondly, we can calculate the extinction probability of the population as tends to infinity. This calculation allows us to understand how likely the population is to die out in the long run. Obviously, the asymptotic extinction risk depends on the value of parameter . Suppose first that ; one obtains
Suppose now that 0. It is easy to get
However, it is worth noting that a long time might be necessary before the extinction probability becomes close to the long-term value. Recalling that is the average lifetime of an organism belonging to the population - and is also the average generation length in the case of semelparous populations - we can wonder what the risk of extinction is after a reasonable time, for instance 10 or 50 generations. Calculations are easy thanks to eq. 7. Table 2 reports the results of computations that show that, for high mortality and small (albeit positive) growth rate, the probability of extinction after 50 generations is not very different from the asymptotic one. It should be noted that the extinction probability is anyway very small for populations with more than 50 individuals.
Finally, we can calculate the extinction probability for stationary populations (, namely they are stationary from a deterministic viewpoint). This is a bit critical, because we must resort to de L'Hpital rule for indeterminate forms:
It is also interesting to see how long it takes on average for a population to become extinct. A very simple index is the median time to extinction. As the time to extinction is a stochastic variable, then is also the probability that the time to extinction be . Therefore the median time to extinction is the one at which . With easy calculations one gets for stationary populations ()
So with , the median extinction time of a stationary population is about 7 generations, with it is approximately 70 generations and with about 700 generations. If the population is non-stationary, one must distinguish between decreasing () and increasing () populations. In decreasing populations, the asymptotic probability of extinction is one. Therefore, using the formula given by eq. 7 and equating the left-hand-side to 0.5, one can solve with respect to time and obtain a general expression for the median time to extinction for decreasing populations (the derivation is left to the reader as an exercise):
With time-unit, the time to extinction is 6 generations for , 30 generations for , and 42 generations for .
In increasing population, only the fraction of long-term possible time evolutions will become extinct. The remaining fraction will increase indefinitely. So the median time to extinction must be calculated conditional on population extinction. The probability for the population to become extinct within time conditional on extinction is . By equating this expression to , one can obtain, after boring calculations, the following formula
With time-unit, the conditional median time to extinction is 6 generations fo , 44 generations for , and 67 generations for .