Problem ER4

The Laysan finch (Telespiza cantans) is a Hawaii species classified as vulnerable by the IUCN (see Fig. 2). A genetic analysis conducted on 44 individuals evidenced a microsatelite locus ( with three alleles called 91, 95, 97. Below are the absolute frequencies of the genotypes in the 44 individuals sample

Genotypes 91/91 91/95 91/97 95/95 95/97 97/97 total
Numbers 7 10 8 5 11 3 44

Figure 2: The Laysan finch.

a) Derive the frequencies of the three alleles (91, 95, 97 ); b) calculate the theoretical frequencies at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for the 6 genotypes and compare with the data from 44 finches .