Write down the two Levins-like equations describing the dynamics of and , namely the probabilities that patch 1 and patch 2 are occupied. Analyze the equations via the isocline method and find out the fate of the metapopulation. If it can persist, calculate and at equilibrium. Calculate the metapopulation capacity and verify the condition for metapopulation persistence.
Consider a 3-patch metapopulation in which patch 2 and patch 3 are linked to patch 1, but patch 2 and 3 are not connected by migration (Fig. 9).
More precisely, the probability that a propagule released by patch i reaches patch j is detailed as follows: = = 0, = = 0.027 exp( ), = = 0.09 exp( ) with = 0.4 km. The areas of the patches are = 10 km, = 7 km, = 4 km. The colonization rate is c = 0.1 km year, while the extinction rate is e = 0.08 km year. Calculate the metapopulation capacity and check whether the condition for metapopulation persistence is verified. Assume that ecological corridors are built to improve the migration between 1 and 2 and between 1 and 3. This implies a decrease of from 0.4 km to 0.25 km. Check the condition for persistence again.